The documentation is as follows:
- Application form for the direct payment of the temporary disability benefit for the self-employed.
- A photocopy of the worker’s Spanish national identity document (DNI or NIE).
- For a leave due to common contingencies, a photocopy of the leave medical report, the most recent confirmation report and, as applicable, the fit to work report.
- The form for IRPF (Spanish Personal Income Tax) Withholdings on Employment Earningscompleted and signed by the interested party (art. 82 of the Spanish Personal Income Tax Regulations).
- Photocopy of the last contribution bulletin.
- Model Activity statement.
- In case of crediting debt, it is necessary to give the certificate of situation of payment of quotas and the request or copy of the agreement of postponement of them. This documentation must be requested in the General treasury of the Social Security (TGSS).
The deadline for submitting this documentation is 15 business days from the leave date, and it must be submitted to any of the mutual insurance company’s healthcare centres.