What are supplementary benefits?

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Supplementary benefits are financial assistance recognized by Asepeyo’s Special Benefits Committee. Their purpose is to cover situations or states of special need of workers, or their beneficiaries, as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease. These benefits are independent of those included in the Social Security system and are financed from the Mutual’s social assistance reserves.

Who can apply for them?

  • Workers who have suffered an accident at work or an occupational disease.
  • Workers’ beneficiaries up to the second degree who meet the necessary requirements.

What benefits can you apply for?

To extend, with more benefits, your rehabilitation and recovery:

  • Admission to a socio-health or residential center
  • Expenses related to the admission of a worker in a hospital center
  • Prostheses and technical aids not included in Social Security
  • Medical treatments or therapies not included in Social Security

Professional reorientation and adaptation of the job place:

  • Courses for professional training and labor insertion
  • Adaptation of the premises where the self-employed worker carries out his/her activity

Aid for the adaptation of the essential means for the development of the basic activities of daily living:

  • Elimination of barriers in the habitual residence
  • Acquisition of an adapted dwelling
  • Adaptation of vehicle
  • Home support for the development of basic activities of daily living
  • Access to new information and communication technologies

Other benefits:

  • Death benefit supplement
  • Training in the care of persons in a situation of severe disability
  • Maintenance of the possession or use of the habitual residence

What are the requirements to apply for them?

  • Different supplementary allowances may be granted, or even the same allowance more than once, in the event of a new situation of need, provided that it has not been covered and the allowances are collected.
  • Invoices and/or documents justifying the expenses incurred must be provided.

Apply for your social benefit

If you meet the requirements, you can apply for the supplementary benefit. Asepeyo’s Special Benefits Committee analyzes each application and issues the relevant resolution.

Apply for your benefit – Form available soon –

Remember that you can apply for more than one social benefit.


Última actualización 24 April 2023

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